Roofs: They're Definitely at the Top!
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Roofs: They're Definitely at the Top!

You can say a lot of things about roofs, and most of them might be true. But one thing that nobody can argue with is that roofs are tops. This statement can be taken in several ways. A roof does for the top of your home. It can also act like a "top" or lid for your home, keeping the rain out. Then, there's the third meaning, which is the one we happen to like the most: roofs are the best. (People say things are "tops" when they really like them.) Since we like roofs so much, we've decided to write about them, and you've discovered the blog where we do that.

Roofs: They're Definitely at the Top!

Factors That Impact Commercial Roof Replacement Cost

Brian Riley

Commercial roof replacement doesn't always come cheap. However, roof replacement is necessary if your roof deteriorates and starts to pile too many repair costs. 

Here is a closer look at factors that influence the cost of a commercial roof.

Type of Materials 

The type of roofing material you choose is an obvious determinant of the cost of your project. Most commercial roofs use specialized single-ply systems (PVC, EPDM, or TPO) or built-up roofing systems (BURs). Single-ply roofing is a popular commercial roofing option due to its ease of installation, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. 

For instance, PVC can withstand extreme temperatures and is also highly recyclable. EPDM is cheap and energy-efficient, especially if you apply it in white. On the other hand, TPO is a good heat reflector and resistant to hail and mold.

Sloped and flat roofs mostly use asphalt-based BURs. These systems comprise multiple layers of asphalt and ply sheets. Manufacturers then cap the layers with a flood coat of granules and asphalt. BURs offer excellent weather resistance and heavy-duty protection for your roof. However, installing these roofing systems is highly labor-intensive, which contractors account for in the final price. 

As you choose a roofing material, also keep in mind the size of your roof. Large roofs that use thicker materials cost more than small roofs with thin materials. Also, flatter roofs cost less to install than low-sloped or steep roofs. 

The Extent of Damage

The condition of your roof at the time of replacement impacts the cost of your commercial roof. The more extensive the damage, the more you will pay for roof replacement. Patching a leaky roof as soon as you detect it is much cheaper than if you leave the leak unchecked for months. Furthermore, prolonged leaks can damage your roof decking, which also affects the structural integrity of your business premises. 

Heavy snow loads that sit on your roof for an extended period can still damage your roof decking. Also, failure to sufficiently vent your attic can lead to too much interior moisture. Eventually, your roof decking warps. And if you don't repair roof decking issues in good time, you will have to remove the old roof decking and install a fresh one. As a result, your roof replacement costs increase significantly.

On the flip side, you stand to pay less for roof replacement if your insulation is intact and no damage to your roof's substrate materials exists. 

Keep these two factors in mind as you budget for a commercial roof replacement for your business. Also, entrust all your roofing repairs, replacements, or installation to a reputable commercial roofing contractor for quality service.
